New BPMNEngine Version

We are excited to announce on behalf of the open source community that a new version of the core engine has been released. It contains quite a few enhancements and improvements and we have begun working on updating our systems to use this newer version as well as are migrating our system to DotNet8 for improved performances. We are unsure of our ETA for a release date of this new version, 3.0, but expect it no later than the end of the second quarter of this year.

Version 2.7 Released

We have now released version 2.7 into the stable branches. With 2.7 comes the following improvements:

  • Complete integration of the new BPMN Core which gives access to some additional element types
  • Added support for internal event definitions in the builder interface
  • Mutliple Language supports(generated through the use of a translation application) including French, Chinese, German, etc.
  • Performance and usability improvements

Version 2.5 Released

Our new and improved backend has been released. We are happy to announce the release of version 2.5, which most notable includes the integration of the newest version of the BPMN core library. This new version includes support for additional BPMN components, performance improvements on the back end and minor improvements to the usability of the interface.

Core Update

Thanks to the work of our open source partner and their work on both speed and feature support improvements of our core BPMN processor with their move to 2.0. We have now updated and deployed into our test line a new version of the core system that runs using this new and improved version that comes with some new hidden features. While an end user may not see many of these improvements, overall, we feel the speed and feature changes will allow us to build a more feature rich front end, and a more robust and in general faster backend into the HRForms App. Keep an eye out on our blog for the future version release with these improvements to come out once testing has been completed.

Multi-Factor Authentication

A new feature for implementing mutli-factot (2fa) authentication for users. This can be enabled at the role, group, and user level. It can also be disabled for a specific user even if it’s turned on for a group or role that they have. In order to use it you simply need and authenticator app such as Google authenticator or Microsoft authenticator to generate your validation code while attempting to login for added security.

New Feature: Office 365 Authentication

We have now completed the new feature: Office 365 authentication integration. Our system can now import office 365 groups and users through the user administration interface as well as automatically link an office 365 user to their imported groups when they login. You will need to register the application in azure to obtain the appropriate security keys as well as provide it with permissions to search for users and groups through the microsoft graph api.

In future we will be adding in google authentication integration.

Open Authentication

We have started adding in support for using the oath methodology supported by office 365, Google, etc. Currently there is support of authentication through your office 365 tenant. Our road map for these authentication methods will be as follows:

  • Office 365 security group imports, both automated as well as through user groups administration
  • Google authentication integration
  • Google security group imports/automated creations

New Version Release

After significant testing we are proud to announce the release of our newest version of the software. This can currently be viewed on our demo site and will be released into our main release stream within the next few weeks after some additional testing has been performed.

Along with this new release we are currently working on building a new feature into the system. This feature will allow for login/authentication to be integrated into office 365, and this will be followed up with authentication integrations to other Open ID supported systems such as Google.

Currently our API system still remains in Beta testing and being expanded upon. Once complete, it will be released into the main deployment stream as well as instructions on how to develop using it.

New Core Release

Good news, we have completed the beta reuse of your newest version which utilizes more modern interface libraries to improve performance. Along with this improved speed for our end users it has also given us access to a more simplified architecture for maintenance, bug corrections and additional functionality. As part of this beta release we have also analyzed and made attempts to improve security within the system by randomization of some parts of the data storage. We hope to release this beta to a live version in the next few weeks after thorough testing. Along with this new version release we are currently developing an api system that will allow the creation of an external application that can interact with processes and tasks as if it were an end user.


We have undergone a rebranding and renaming of our software. We are now known as HR Forms or HR Forms App. Along with the rebranding and renaming of our site we are currently updating some of our interface components to fit the new brand name. We are also working on a new front end version design to use some newer more modern interface libraries that should improve the performance and responsiveness of our software.